Category Eschatology  › Jerusalem

  • March 19, 2017

    This sermon seeks to settle the controversy of the identity of "the great city" in the book of Revelation.

  • March 26, 2017

    This sermon examines the death of the two prophets, the exact position of the Roman and Jewish armies, the timing, and the circumstances of verses 9-10. It also makes practical applications to our living and dying in Christ.

  • May 13, 2018

    This sermon digs into archeology and history and shows the literal fulfillment of this prophecy. Not only was the temple leveled, but all of Jerusalem was leveled to the ground. What we see now on Haram esh-Sharif is either the Roman Fort Antonia or was built by Hadrian using Herodian stones.

  • May 20, 2018

    This passage shows the saints of heaven and earth worshiping and adoring God for His judgments. Even the judgment of hell is the subject of praise. This sermon shows why these judgments are praiseworthy.